Student Testimonials
It is always a pleasure to speak with our Sixth Formers about their time at Victoria College. In these testimonials, the students talk fondly about the academic excellence, rich co-curricular opportunities, camaraderie and traditions that they have all experienced during their time at College.
Ralf, Year 13

What school did you attend before Victoria College?
Les Quennevais School
When did you join Victoria College (which Year group?)
Year 12
Why did you choose Victoria College?
For me, it was the course choices. I was interested in taking Politics and couldn't do it anywhere else on the island.
What is the best thing about life at Victoria College so far?
The freedom that comes with being in Sixth Form is really nice, especially after being in a fairly rigid structure during lower school.
In what way/s has Victoria College helped you?
Generally, I've been given a lot of opportunities to do various activities. From internships to public speaking courses - the variety of things I have been able to do has been impressive.
What A Level subjects have you chosen and why?
Biology, Geography and Politics
When I first arrived, I was unsure if I wanted to study sciences or humanities, though I enjoyed both. I chose a range of subjects and gradually became more interested in humanities, while still being able to study Biology.
In addition to your academic study, do you take part in any other activities at Victoria College?
Personally, I take activities up as they come along. I took part in the College’s co-curricular club programme by helping to run chess club for the younger students, which was a great opportunity to develop leadership skills. I have also taken part in various other events, such as the Youth Assembly and Huelin Debate to develop my public speaking skills.
Are there any particular skills or talents you have developed or knowledge you have gained as a direct result of taking part in these activities?
I ended up getting loads of practice at speechwriting and public speaking, which was really helpful. In my first couple of weeks, I was writing 3 speeches a week! I also value the leadership and teamwork opportunities that come with the co-curricular club programme.
What advice would you give to other students considering joining Victoria College?
Don't worry too much about being new. I was really surprised at how friendly everyone was in my first week. Besides, there is a good chance that you know most of your classmates through out of school activities.
What are you hoping to go on and do after Victoria College?
Hopefully go to university to study International Relations.
If you had one last message to give to Victoria College, what would it be?
Make sure you choose to study subjects that you genuinely enjoy. A Levels are quite difficult, so you need to choose subjects that you won't mind studying fairly intensely.
Oliver, Year 13
What school did you attend before Victoria College?
St Lawrence
When did you join Victoria College (which Year group?)
Year 7
Why did you choose Victoria College?
I chose Victoria College for multiple reasons. I admired the students that had been to the College and aspired to one day be like them. I liked the opportunities that the College had for sports, arts and careers. Many of my friends were going there as well. Plus, my parents thought it would be best suited for me.
What is the best thing about life at Victoria College so far?
The best thing about life at Victoria College is spending time with the other students and teachers and taking part in activities like the College play or sports games.
In what way/s has Victoria College helped you?
Victoria College has helped me gain a lot of confidence - I now feel much more comfortable with being myself and engaging with other people. It has also helped me make many new friends, and prepare myself properly for a role in the adult and professional world.
What A Level subjects have you chosen and why?
History - I find the content of the course to be fascinating and enjoy arguing my interpretations.
Drama - I love acting and plays, as well as analysing and critiquing famous performances in addition to my own.
English Language & Literature - I adore creative writing and studying the most influential books of all time. Moreover, the teachers are contagiously passionate.
In addition to your academic study, do you take part in any other activities at Victoria College?
In addition to academic study, I regularly act in the College play, I am a member of the Sixth Form choir, Voces Victoria, and I enjoy getting involved in inter-House events like House Football, House Drama and House Music.
Are there any particular skills or talents you have developed or knowledge you have gained as a direct result of taking part in these activities?
These activities have developed my abilities in acting, singing, and sports. They have also expanded my knowledge on how to lead others, work within a team, operate outside out of my comfort zone, and stay committed to something.
What advice would you give to other students considering joining Victoria College?
My biggest advice would be to get involved with College activities straight away. The community is very accepting of all students - whether that is in sports, the arts or academics. It will be worth it in the end, and you’ll meet new and engaging people.
What are you hoping to go on and do after Victoria College?
After Victoria College I am hoping to study filmmaking at university, then get a career in the film industry once I get my degree.
If you had one last message to give to Victoria College, what would it be?
I will forever treasure the memories I have made at Victoria College, and the person it has helped me to become and I know that many students of the past, present and future feel the same way.
Oscar, Year 13
What school did you attend before Victoria College?
St George’s Preparatory School, then I moved to Victoria College Preparatory School in Year 3.
When did you join Victoria College (which Year group?)
Year 7
Why did you choose Victoria College?
Because it offers the best education and support, as well as attains the best GCSE results of all the boys’ schools in Jersey.
What is the best thing about life at Victoria College so far?
The academic and non-academic support offered by the College and staff.
In what way/s has Victoria College helped you?
Victoria College has helped me become far more confident through my engagement with the public speaking enrichment programme and delivering presentations and ideas to a class of people. It has also helped me with my English and essay writing skills. English was my least favourite subject in the lower years, but the quality of teaching and course helped me to improve and thoroughly enjoy it through GCSE.
What A Level subjects have you chosen and why?
Economics - I have always been very interested in the running of the world and the economy. I will be studying Economics at university next year as it is my favourite A Level.
Maths – I chose Maths because I think it is the most useful A Level. I have enjoyed Maths and the satisfaction of problem solving and achieving a correct final answer. I have always found that it makes sense to me, and I also need it to study Economics at degree level.
Computer Science – This was my best subject at GCSE. I found the content very interesting, and I am glad that I have continued it on to A Level.
In addition to your academic study, do you take part in any other activities at Victoria College?
I am part of the Voces Victoria Sixth Form choir. I enjoy it because it is fantastic to do with friends and a lot of fun, as well as being very different to anything else I do at the College.
Are there any particular skills or talents you have developed or knowledge you have gained as a direct result of taking part in these activities?
I have developed my singing skills.
What advice would you give to other students considering joining Victoria College?
Get involved with as much as you can - you will be surprised that doing things you may not have thought you would like are actually very fun.
What are you hoping to go on and do after Victoria College?
I am hoping to study Economics at university and potentially work in the finance sector in London.
If you had one last message to give to Victoria College, what would it be?
Get involved with College governance – it’s fantastic to be able to have a direct impact on the running of the College, its rules, culture and ethos.
Thomas, Year 12
What school did you attend before Victoria College?
D’Auvergne School
When did you join Victoria College (which Year group?)
Year 7
Why did you choose Victoria College?
When I was looking at secondary schools for Year 7, I was keen to apply to Victoria College as I thought it would be the best place for me as a school where I could complete my entire secondary education. Victoria College was presented as a selective school for boys that offered amazing opportunities and a great holistic education on top of striving for academic excellence.
What is the best thing about life at Victoria College so far?
There have been many good things about life at Victoria College. Personally, I have really enjoyed the House system and the camaraderie that is created between boys from all different year groups. This togetherness created by being in a House has made me feel very at home at College and has provided a space where I could compete and have fun with people that I wouldn’t typically spend time with - older and younger students.
I have also really enjoyed the extras that Victoria College has to offer that sets it apart from other schools, and that will hopefully set me apart from others when applying for university and jobs in the future. These things include all the extra-curricular activities that allow students to gain experience and knowledge in areas that aren’t covered by the curriculum. The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) has given me so many opportunities and most notably the chance to develop leadership skills that I otherwise wouldn’t have gained. The extra academic opportunities from UKMT Maths Challenges, and additional GCSEs like Classical Civilisation, Further Maths and Triple Science, have all given me the opportunity to expand my skills.
Finally, I think that the best thing about Victoria College is the teachers - namely their interest in each and every student and the extra time that they put into each one as an individual to help them reach their full potential, from answering emails late at night to being the ones who put on the extra activities. These extra things certainly are not the easiest for teachers to do and are not even expected yet they do it to enhance a student’s education and I am grateful for it.
In what way/s has Victoria College helped you?
Victoria College has primarily helped me through the fabulous teaching that it provides. This teaching has given me the chance to stretch myself and achieve grades that will allow me to excel in the future. Victoria College has also challenged me to stick to my views and be individualistic. This has helped me develop a strong character and given me values that I will uphold throughout my life.
What A Level subjects have you chosen and why?
Physics: I chose Physics because it is essential for the subjects and other interests I have for Further Education. I have also really enjoyed the lessons throughout lower school which is the main reason to continue to A Level.
Maths: I have enjoyed Maths throughout my time at Victoria College and, alongside the requirement to take it with Physics at A Level, it seemed like the obvious choice for me to make at A Level. I particularly like the logic involved with it and how it often just makes sense!
Further Maths: Taking Further Maths at GCSE really gave me the opportunity to explore some of the other branches of Maths that aren’t conventionally studied. This has been challenging but also super interesting and I can’t wait to continue this further through the A Level course. Further Maths is also great at supporting regular Maths which has been very helpful.
Chemistry: I have been fascinated by Chemistry and, although not strictly being needed for the career I want to go into, it is still incredibly useful and above all else, really interesting! At A Level I’m getting to explore the chemical world in much more depth which explains so many more natural phenomena than at GCSE.
In addition to your academic study, do you take part in any other activities at Victoria College?
I take part in multiple student governance groups which provide a great opportunity to exercise student voice within College. I participate in House events whenever possible, be that sport or arts, as it is all incredibly rewarding. I am involved in the CCF each Friday and get to go on camps and courses during weekends and holidays. I have been in a few College productions, sing in the College Choir and Voces Victoria and enjoy attending Christian club. I have also competed in a number of competitions outside of College.
Are there any particular skills or talents you have developed or knowledge you have gained as a direct result of taking part in these activities?
Yes! Not only have I gained leadership skills through CCF but I have also enjoyed the opportunity to acquire new qualifications – via two leadership courses, a Drill Instructors Course and I look forward to completing a flying course later this year.
I have also gained confidence and experience through taking part in various College performances.
These activities have all supported me academically and have provided a good balance between academic and co-curricular pursuits.
What advice would you give to other students considering joining Victoria College?
No matter what situation you are in just apply! Bursaries are available if finance is an issue - I have received financial support through bursaries which has been really helpful. You will undoubtedly benefit if you join, and it would be unlikely for you to find a better education on Island. If you have any doubts take a look around and talk to current students. They would be sure to tell you all about the College.
What are you hoping to go on and do after Victoria College?
I am hoping to study Aerospace Engineering at University and then end up working for the Navy. My dream would be to someday work for NASA at their Jet Propulsion Lab.
If you had one last message to give to Victoria College, what would it be?
Try new things! You are privileged with lots of amazing opportunities given to you at Victoria College so make the most of them.
Jack, Year 12
What school did you attend before Victoria College?
St Michael’s School
When did you join Victoria College (which Year group?)
Year 7
Why did you choose Victoria College?
I wanted to stay in Jersey, and I felt like it was a school with a good reputation for both sport and academics.
What is the best thing about life at Victoria College so far?
I would say the best things are the sport, House events, co-curricular activities and the freedom and responsibility we get as Sixth Formers to manage our time with free periods and study periods.
In what way/s has Victoria College helped you?
The College has helped me develop both my sport and my academic studies with my GCSEs just last year. It has helped me develop as a person and make friends in the College as well as at neighbouring schools.
What A Level subjects have you chosen and why?
I am taking Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry. I chose these subjects because they are subjects which I really enjoy, and they allow me the option to choose from a variety of university courses. I think that you need to enjoy the subjects you take at A Level because the workload increases a lot, and you have 5 lessons a week on each of your subjects.
In addition to your academic study, do you take part in any other activities at Victoria College?
I am studying for my London Academy of Music Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) qualifications and am working on my EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) submission. I also take part in sports events - cricket, rugby and hockey – as well as House events including House Choir and House Drama. In addition to this I am a member of the school choir, Student Forum and take part in the Peer Mentoring Programme. In the past I have also taken part in the Eisteddfod for both French and Spanish.
Are there any particular skills or talents you have developed or knowledge you have gained as a direct result of taking part in these activities?
I would say I have gained teamwork skills especially from House events and have enjoyed the camaraderie associated with events like House Music and Sports Day. I have also been able to work on my self-motivation especially during study leave last year and free periods this year in Sixth Form.
What advice would you give to other students considering joining Victoria College?
I think that you should try and get involved with the House events as soon as you can. This is a good way for students coming in from other schools to settle quickly. I found that taking part in these House events enabled me to quickly get to know the other people in my House across the different age groups as well as those in my year. This has helped me all the way through school.
What are you hoping to go on and do after Victoria College?
I am hoping to go to university. I’m not sure what course I will choose yet but most likely a STEM course.
If you had one last message to give to Victoria College, what would it be?
Always be kind to each other, because being kind will make better Victorians.